Monday, February 11, 2008

R.I.P. Chief Brody

I'll be watching my all-time favorite movie, "Jaws," tonight in memory of Roy Scheider. He made the most unbelievable movie ending ever work perfectly.


Unknown said...

Great pic. Looks like Jaws has him by the arm and he don't give a rat's ass.

Lorena said...

That's how Chief Brody rolls.

Cindy K said...

Newsie -- someone on the sops boards were asking about you and I had to leave a message! conrats on the house! My dad took me to see Jaws when I was 9 - we had a shore house... I didn't go in the water the entire summer, that year! How are you !

Lorena said...

Nerds! So happy to see you! I haven't been to the boards in forever -- how is everyone? How's Philly?

Cindy K said...

Hey We are all good! Still chatting - fighting trolls!

We have to keep in touch! We are still knocking around vacationing in the south this summer