Saturday, September 6, 2008

Bye Bye Hanna

Hanna blew through quickly, knocked the power out in some places and left quite a bit of water in others, but people aren't reporting any real damage. The sun is trying to come out now, and there's a little, tiny baby gecko sunning himself on the shrub outside my back door.

Hanna's on her way up north. Hope she heads on out to sea soon.

I feel so sorry for the people in Haiti. Gustav, Hanna, and soon Ike. The floods haven't even receded there from Hanna and now they are about to get hit again, and Hanna killed at least 137 people there. We got lucky, but they sure didn't.

The Red Cross's disaster relief fund is empty, their CEO is saying on CNN, and there are still 800,000 people without power from Gustav in the Gulf Coast area.

1 comment:

Andy Shupe said...

Glad to hear that you are OK; I enjoyed the updates however scary they seemed.