Friday, September 26, 2008

The High-Fiving Grizzly of Friday

Dang. Not to be messed with.

Apparently, we had a little tropical storm action here yesterday. I thought it was just a blustery day, like in the Winnie the Pooh story. But this morning, my patio umbrella was askew and my potted plants had fallen over.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. I think I'm going to paint my bedroom. Maybe the color of a grizzly. Probably not, though.

1 comment:

kgisborne said...

Years ago, one or two American friends advised me that, if I was to run into a bear whilst walking in the woods, the recommended thing is to poke it with a stick. They told me this is mountainfolk lore, passed down through generations. Sounds sensible to me, show the bear who's boss and all that.

But ever since then, whenever I mention this useful piece of wilderness advice to OTHER American friends, they first look at me with shock, and then laugh amongst themselves. I often wonder why...