Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My next career

I've decided I want to be a surgeon. I know, I haven't been to medical school, but my dad was a doctor, and I have had surgery and known people who have had it.

So I'm probably in the vicinity of qualified, right? Especially with a couple weeks of brushing up on my skills.

You'd support me, right? And let me operate on your kids?

Just wondering.


Unknown said...

Sorry, you may not operate on my kids.

Besides, you're more qualified to be Vice President of the United States than a surgeon.

Andy Shupe said...

Start small. Gall bladder or something. Don't just jump right in and be the, say, No. 2 surgeon of the free world...

Unknown said...

You can operate on me, L. Your qualifications seem excellent. You know, in "Geek Love", that psycho nurse operated on herself and the only reason she failed was because she got tired, not because she didn't do a good job, so you can always practice on yourself.