Saturday, August 11, 2007

Rochambeau ya for it...

David took me on a nice drive to Leiper's Fork, a tiny little town about 15 minutes away, and had lunch at the Backyard Cafe, where you can literally eat in the back yard, if you don't mind some flies sharing your sandwich. We sat on a porch swing in front of the overpriced art gallery talking daydreaming about opening a restaurant in Leiper's Fork. It's the kind of place that really draws a crowd on summer weekends and has some seriously expensive real estate, but only two little cafes, a couple of antique stores, a small market and this art gallery. They need a not-too-expensive-but-kind-of-gourmet joint. We'd call it Rochambeau. Sounds chic, non?

Oh, and Barney Fife apparently still works there. I didn't see him, but I did see his car.


Brian said...

Wow! You saw Andy's car? Did they also have Barney's 'one' bullet on display? LOL! Close call in North Carolina huh? You must still be sporting you Cali plates on the car. They dont like them 'left coasters' back there I hear. My sister just departed for her long drive back to Alabama this morning, and is in El Paso. I'm sure she would trade places with you right now...LOL! Be safe girl.
Peace and out...Brian

Lorena said...

Thanks, Brian. Yes, I figured it had something to do with the Cali plates, totally. Fer shure.
