Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Crossed the Mississippi

Little Rock to Nashville is not nearly as far as I had imagined. I just had to stop in Memphis and get a shot of the big ol' Mississippi.

Had a great time staying with Steve and Michelle and their two little girls, Miss Julia and Miss Gracie. We hunted lightning bugs, but the bugs didn't feel like playing, I guess. They managed to avoid us tromping around in the back yard.
Steve took me for a nighttime sightseeing drive around Little Rock, to the lovely new Clinton Library all lit up at night, and the snazzy, revamped rivermarket in Little Rock, which was mainly old, unused warehouses when I lived there.
Record heat this week. So glad David and Sheree have a pool. I know where I'll be when I'm not working tomorrow and Wednesday. We're in Franklin, about 25 minutes from downtown Nashville, and it's just gorgeous. I cannot wait to go out and take some pictures of the old, old homes here.

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