Monday, May 19, 2008

Is it just me?

Or does it make anyone else want to let loose with a primal scream when people give nonsensical answers to questions and then act like the interviewer is stupid for not understanding the answer?

How about when someone gives an answer to a question, and the interviewer repeats the answer with an "So I understand you to say..." and the subject realizes he or she has made an ass of themselves and turns it around to try and make the interviewer look stupid?

Just watching a little MSNBC and wondering if I'm alone in this...


Unknown said...

So, if I'm understanding you correctly, you've been watching MSNBC.

Allow me to ask an easier question: Why?

(Actaully, I know why. And the correct answer is either 1) Rachel Maddow or 2) Keith Olberman. The wrong answer is Chris Matthews. I can even tolerate Pat Buchanan so long as he has to sit next to Maddow.)

Otherwise, I haven't the faintest idea what your asking. I don't think your stupid for asking, however.

Lorena said...

I was just flipping through the evening newscasts, watching a replay of an earlier interview, and noticing how some, for some people, it seems to be second nature to try and make the media look bad for asking certain questions. Like the interviewer is the one who's doing something wrong.