Monday, March 3, 2008

Extreme weather

Hope everyone in NW Arkansas is OK! And I hope Shupe got some awesome pictures! We're supposed to get your extreme weather tomorrow. I have to work late, so maybe I'll try my luck with weather photos before I go in.

This morning the clouds were rolling in from out at sea as the sun came up, and it's damp-cool. I thought maybe the mourning doves that hang out on the roof across from my place might have found some shelter somewhere, but they were there, as they always are. The three of them huddle on the roof peak starting about 6:30 and they stay for about an hour, hooting and cooing. It's a pretty nice way to wake up.

1 comment:

Andy Shupe said...

It's really not bad yet and I plan to be in my apartment with a book and sandwiches before it starts.