Saturday, January 19, 2008

Delicious Primary Day

The rain is pouring, 80-90 percent of our county's voting machines have been unusable for a good portion of the day (just to remind you, this is the day of the GOP primary in SC, or, if you prefer, we could call it GOPPD) and, holy cats, one of my fellow reporters made THE FREAKIN' BEST cinnamon rolls ever.

Seriously. These things must be coated in crack, because we in the office cannot stop either eating them or staring longingly as others eat them.

I think I heard someone growl as another person approached the baking dish.

I'm going to try and weasel the recipe out of her, but then I'll have to lock it away until I have company, because otherwise, I'd wind up lying on the floor in a carb-loaded diabetic coma with a roll in one hand and my face all smeared with cinnamon, butter and pecans.


Andy Shupe said...

You say that like it would be a bad thing. What gives?

Lorena said...

Well, it would just be a little embarrassing...

I scored the recipe, though. I'll make 'em for you when you come visit.