Cheap Trick -- the first name in... women's perfume? No, no, it's men's fashion.
What the? Who cares what they are modeling? They could be modeling Play-Doh and singing "The Alphabet Song" and they'd rock.
But in this case, they are rocking even harder. Check out the new ad campaign for John Varvatos. No really, go. Click on it. This is so cool.
I LOVE these pictures. Especially of my favorite lead singer in the whole wide world, who does not look like somebody's dad in these shots. Damn... But they all look great! Well, Tom looks a little scared on the back of that tandem bike with Rick driving. I love that they gave him a bike with hanging handlebars like we used to have when we were kids. Is this a play on the In Color album cover, with Robin and Tom on motorcycles?
Am I overanalyzing an ad for men's suits? Maybe.
But who thought "Hmmm... John Varvatos, chic suits... that just screams for CHEAP TRICK!"
Whoever it was, all 20,000 of us who bought the last album should chip in for some flowers or maybe a muffin basket for that guy.
Check out the photographer's site that's linked off the page, too. His Springsteen and Patti Smith photos are especially nice.
But, you know, not as nice as the ones of my favorite band.
If I had need of a men's suit, I'd be tempted, but I can still support my band by buying that perfume. Only at Saks this spring. Oooohhh, ahhhhh.
P.S. -- thanks to Pete for acquiring the pictures for me. I love my computer-savvy friend!
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