Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Dream Police

Robin Zander got me out of a speeding ticket this morning. I knew he had magical powers.

Betsey and I went for a drive so I could show her some of the places I've been house hunting, and I didn't realize the speed limit had changed, and, of course, there was a county trooper waiting. He came up to my window smiling and said "So, you'd rather be at a Cheap Trick concert?" He'd obviously read my license plate frame.

But then he said, "So, you'd rather be seeing Robin Zander than a cop, huh?" My answer, of course, was that I'd rather be seeing Robin than doing pretty much anything else, so, you know, no offense, but yeah.

It's unusual for anyone to know Robin. Usually when people think of CT -- if they ever do -- they mention Rick, sometimes even Bun E., but never Robin (not that I understand THAT).

Turns out I was quite a bit over the speed limit, but he gave me a warning and some real estate advice, to boot.

It's a Cheap Trick Christmas present!


Andy Shupe said...


biscuits mom said...

Did the officer say that he thought Robin had a pretty mouth?

Lorena said...

No, but he does.

Unknown said...

Just goes to show, the Dream Police don't just live inside your head.