Monday, September 24, 2007

Naughty, naughty

So, if you're ever in Costco here in The MB, look out for the Judgemental Receipt Checker. I bought a "Sex and the City" DVD this afternoon, along with several other items, and when I got to the receipt checker, he looked in my cart, looked me up and down and gave me the raised eyebrow.

Him: "So, you like that "Sex and the City," huh?
Me: "Yes. It was a funny show."
Him: I heard they took it off the air.
Me: Yeah. There was too much sex in it.

Made me wish my cart had an economy-size bottle of vodka, a giant box of condoms and a Marylin Manson CD in it, too.

My favorite Southern name of the week: Withers Swash. He's so famous around here, he has a street and a boardwalk named after him.


Unknown said...

So what did he say to that?

Lorena said...

I don't know. I walked away. There's nothing better than a well-timed exit.

Lorena said...

Well, OK, not NOTHING, but, you know...