Friday, July 11, 2008

The Many Bears of Friday

It's pandamonium. Get it? It's my sixth day of work this week and the 720,000th story I've written about the May motorcycle rallies. I got nothin' else. Happy Friday!


Andy Shupe said...


Unknown said...

You do not disappoint. I come for one bear of Friday and get - how many, ten?

Lorena said...

These pandas were part of some fertilizing experiment in China and the scientists ended up with 16 sets of twins. They kept them in a large crib-like area in the lab, but the little bears go out and wandered all over the room, crawling into desk drawers and wherever. It was someone's job to bottle feed htem, too. Wish it was MY job.

It's a bonus bear of Friday!

Andy Shupe said...

The issue of noise from motorcycle rallies and your newspaper's coverage of that issue was mentioned in a local NPR station's coverage of Eureka Springs' attempt to quiet riders inside the city limits. I thought of you and smiled.

Lorena said...

I smile whenever I think of you.