Monday, December 15, 2008

My Christmas Tree

This is my first Christmas tree in my new house.

I'm sure my therapist would have something to say about the fact that I've put up the tree in the corner of my living room that's devoted to my Titanic collection.


Also, apparently, South Carolina doesn't believe in icicles. The kind you put on your tree -- the long, thin tinsely kind. I spent YEARS learning from my mom exactly how to place them properly, and now I cannot find any to put on my own tree, and for the rest of the holidays, I'm going to wander around my house feeling like I've forgotten something important.

South Carolina non-icicle-having bastards.


Unknown said...

It's perfect ... very sparkly! Merry Christmas!

Andy Shupe said...

What? No silvery, static-clinging icicles? In the South? That's odd...